February 17, 2014
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Recent research suggests that roughly 25% of all people will experience some type of anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Anxiety is even more common than depression. Anxiety is one of thos illnesses that can be missed in the diagnostic process. Todd Mulliken, MS, LPCC, owner of Mulliken Counseling Center in Edina and consultant with the MIPH will be presenting on the “Who, What, Where, When, and Why’s” of Anxiety and specific risk factors for it as well as treatment strategies for carefivers and for those who suffer with the illness itself.
Todd Mulliken, MS, has over 20 years of clinical experience in the areas of anxiety, depressive, and personality disorders; marital counseling-specializing in affair recovery, and counseling families dealing with parenting issues. Todd has written 3 books including: “The State of Affairs..why they happen and how love can be restored.” Todd consults with the Minnesota Institute of Public Health and is a adjunct professor at MCTC and Metropolitan State. Todd’s website is: www.toddmulliken.com