Note: You will not be taking this training on our website. We will use this to redirect you and give you instructions for the Minnesota DHS website. Please follow the instructions carefully.

Instructions for the HIPAA—Hennepin County Specific Videos
- Click Register. Note: Do not use Login as Guest. The training must be completed using a registered account.
- In the Registration form complete each field like so:
- Affiliation: “Non-governmental entities”
- Division: “None”.
- Email Address: Work Email Address associated with your agency Note: Must be an active email address when an access request is submitted.
- Employee Number: Assigned PW # Note: This is also known as your State Logon ID. If you don’t have one, then leave this blank. If you have a State Logon ID that starts with another set of letters/numbers (i.e. not “PW”), then leave this blank.
- First Name: First Name used for Work
- Middle Initial: Optional, Middle Initial used for Work
- Last Name: Last Name used for Work
- Company Name: Optional, Leave Blank
- Send Reminders?: Check this box Note: If checked, you will receive a reminder email one month before your DHS Data Privacy is due for renewal.
- Training Role: “County Worker”
- Role Description: Autofilled by system when [Training Role] is selected
- Courses Required for Role: Autofilled by system when [Training Role] is selected
- Click Register
- At the course site, Handling MN Information Securely, you’ll be logged in
- If you need to update your Account Information, click Settings, make your changes, and click Update
Complete All of the Courses!
When Progress Tracker reads “100% Complete”, you can inform your supervisor so that they can request your access. Please take a screenshot and send to your supervisor and upload to learndash using the uploader below.
Note: When you receive the reminder to renew (annually), use the link provided and retake the courses. A lapse will result in losing your access and will require a new access request from your supervisor.